Building a Base
Now you’re producing some great quality videos and you’re uploading them regularly with a streamlined system. This is a very good start and will start to ensure that you gain the maximum number of subscribers based on the number of views you receive.
But there are some extra things you can do to help even more of your
viewers sign up for more of your content…
Make Your Videos ‘Sticky’
One important tip is to make your videos as sticky as possible. In otherwords, think of your videos like Venus flytraps. Your aim is to ensure that
everyone who lands there gets assimilated to become a long-term
subscriber and to do this, you need to use some of the most common tricks
and strategies that you’ll see a lot of other YouTubers employ.
For example: ask people to become subscribers!
Simply asking your viewers to subscribe is one of the best ways to ensure
they stick around. Likewise, asking them to ‘like’ your videos will help you to
gain more exposure.
Some new YouTubers feel awkward about asking for ‘help’ this way, but it’s
actually pretty standard for the platform. Sometimes people will watch your
videos and really enjoy them but just not think to sign up for more. Asking
them to do this is a good way to remind them.
And likewise, don’t be afraid to really explain just how much it will help you
if people ‘like’ your video. Point out that it took a lot of time and effort and
that you’d be highly appreciative. It’s a simply strategy but it works well!
Building a Base
Reviewed by IELTS Speaking